The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Exporter from Libertus allows Vtiger CRM users to export exactly the data you see and select in your list views.

This module adds an option to the action menu of the list views in Vtiger.

In the module configuration you can turn it on for various parts of the system, perhaps you only want contacts and leads to be exportable, but not invoices for example. You can turn it on and off for each module in your system. It works fine for custom modules as well as standard modules. When it is activated you can go to any list view and pick any filter, including custom filters, select some records or perhaps select all records in a list and choose WYSIWYG from the actions menu. You will be offered a spreadsheet download which should open in LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office or Google Apps.

WYSIWYG is very simple to install and use – there is no need for a manual.

Demonstration System

You can try a demonstration of WYSIWYG Spreadsheet Exporter for Vtiger here: Simply login with a username and password of GeoTools.

WYSIWYG Spreadsheet Exporter is available from the Vtiger Marketplace here. It works in Vtiger Open Source versions 7 & 8.