SQL Reports[1] is a special kind of module for the Open Source version of vtiger version 7.2. It allows a user to create completely custom reports using native SQL (Structured Query Language) of vtiger’s relational database. SQL Reports is available to use ONLY by vtiger administrators. If you know how the vtiger database is structured and are familiar with SQL then this tool can help you to extract information which is not possible to do using the standard Report module.

For example:
- You want a Report where there are more than two related modules
- You want a Report where you need to collate data from records and data from related records and data from records that are related to related records
- You want to analyse historical data such as “how many deals are won each week”
- You have custom modules which do not work well with the standard vtiger Report
- You need a report which bypasses all user-level restrictions
- You need a report which includes deleted records
SQL Reports can be used to bypass ANY and ALL security constraints that apply to normal vtiger users. There is also a small possibility that you could damage or even destroy your database (although most SQL verbs which could cause harm are not permitted so this is extremely unlikely).
Due to understandable restrictions on modules that are permitted to be sold in the vtiger Marketplace, SQL Reports is only available directly from Libertus Solutions. Please contact us for more information.
You can download a copy of the manual (pdf) here and there is a demo system available if you would like to try it out (login with a user name and password of “sqlreports”).
SQL Reports uses two excellent Open Source javascript libraries:
Ace is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript; we are using it primarily as a syntax highlighter for your SQL. More details about the library can be found on the website: https://ace.c9.io/
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, built upon the foundations of progressive enhancement: https://datatables.net/
[1] SQL Reports was based on an original idea by AG Consulting (a-g-c), Andreas Goebel for vtiger version 5. Unfortunately it appears that AG Consulting is no longer active (www.a-g-c.de). Libertus completely re-wrote their idea for vtiger version 7, introduced some new features and locked down user access.